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Cache Celebration of Women's Suffrage 2020


Our purpose is to celebrate

1870: Utah became a leader in women's suffrage, a movement working to gain voting rights for women

1920: This victory on August 26, 1920 meant that women could no longer be barred from voting because of their gender.

1965: One of the most far-reaching pieces of civil rights legislation in United States history.


We are a committee comprised of women and men who are working together to plan community events to celebrate our suffrage history.

Committee Members

Amy Anderson

Jamie Andrus

Ann Austin

Chris Booth

Kerry Bringhurst

Karina Brown 

Chad Campbell

Wendy Carter

Karen Clark

Mary Urban Clarke

Star Coulbrooke

Holly Daines

Sara Doutre

Gail Griswold

Wendi Hassan

Susan Jelus

Roxana King

Joyce Kinkead

Warren Kunz

Charlotte McConkie

Margot Miller

Matilyn Mortensen

Sheri Newton

Candi Carter Olson

Sydney Peterson

Marianne Sidwell

Julie Hollist Terrill

Barbara Tidwell 

Stephanie Thomas

Jami Van Huss

Richard & Sharon West

Dana Worley

Gina Worthen


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Barbara Tidwell, Co-Chair

Cache County Council

Karina Andelin Brown,  Co-Chair

Cache Chamber of Commerce Legislative Affairs Committee

Gina Worthen, Treasurer

Cache County Council

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Gail Griswold, Exhibit Designer

Our Mission
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